Corning is a registered trademark of Corning, Inc.LSE is a trademark of Corning, Inc.
Corning® ProCulture® spinner flask accessories
Corning® PTFE-coated magnetic stir bar
Corning® StripettorTM Ultra Pipet Controller Accessories
Corning® trap, 100 mL, 24/40 joint, Corning® 4000
Flat platform with rubber mat, for use with Corning® orbital shaker
Corning® ProCulture® glass spinner flask only, baffled, vertical sidearms
Corning® condenser jacket only, Corning® 3350
Corning® flask, 1000 mL, Corning® 4620
Corning® funnel, 4000 mL, Corning® 6402